Monday, September 15, 2008


Sad news to start the day off with.

This clip really reminds us what it was all about. His virtuosity and genius will be missed.

So, this is refreshing! Even FOX NEWS is calling them out! How many more days til we never have to hear about SARAH PALIN again??

YES YES YES!! I looovvvve it when L.LO waxes politically!! LOLOLOL!!

I lurrrrve it when she makes an effort!! Speaking of my girl... These pix are cracking my shizz up today!!

CLICK HERE to check out the whole series of shots! Loves it!

There's A LOT going on these next few weeks but I will be coming back with a vengeance, more regularly and more organized very soon!! Love you, bitches!

Thursday, September 11, 2008



I swear, I can practically hear her singing "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!" as she and MCCAIN reinstitute the draft and send our generation off to die.

Speaking of which, I have to say... I'm gonna have to agree with my girl PAM on this one...

My sentiments exactly. It's all good though, ya'll. All signs at this moment point to an OBAMA victory!!

And how amazing would this be?!?!

This article brings so much joy to my little black heart ;)

NOOO!!! Please god NOOO!!! Say it can't be so!!!

Hopefully this is just a terrible, horrible, malicious rumor...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The fact that none of this matters to most of this country is beyond me.

Were only half of us paying attention over the past 8 years? I really don't understand the majority of this country... What's everybody's damage these days?

Aaahh... but how much do I love ALAN CUMMING ever more now for choosing to do this?!?

Thanks ALAN! We appreciate the sentiment but we're going to need a lot more of you guys living out in the flyover states for this to really make an impact :(

So anybody who knows me knows one of my best friends MATTY. Well he popped up on QUEERTY this week (he's been all over the place lately fitness modeling) and I'm appalled by some of the feedback in the comment section!

How rude!! Some queens can be sooo vicious! And some people just need to get a life... Boo! Stop the murder, ladies!

So we had to rush out the door last night to make it to the DIRTY SEXY MONEY premiere party so I wasn't able to grab my camera, but at least we got shots of my girl CANDIS CAYNE up on the interwebs!

Hollah! She looked lovely as always. I keep telling CANDIS that I'm going to start TIVOing her show and catching up on it, but I never seem to have any spare time to add another hour long drama to my regiment... Hmm... Anyways, we also got to run into our friend ROSS THE INTERN who's always a blast to be around.

Speaking of CANDIS, I was on her pa's MYSPACE, the gorgeous DJ MARCO, recently just cruising around and I found this amazing blast from the past.


Oh so this should be very inneresting...

Although, I think we can all agree that he is the better designer... I mean objectively speaking... But I guess BRODY has been inspired to follow in LC's footsteps and has decided to launch his own line as well!

OMG how frickin' hot does BRODY look in these pics?!?!? I've been crushin' on BRODY for sometime now but this is Ri-dick-olous!! I love him...

PS: His new BROMANCE show sounds out of this world!! I might not be able to watch it on account of how much it's gonna make me wanna touch myself!!

Oh, and since we're on the topic of LAUREN and BRODY... Did anybody catch this really cutesy spot that they were running through most of the summer??

Aaahh... I think it's cute! And while we're still talking about it... I loved last night's episode!! It was one of my favorites of all time!

So I am so so so excited for the new season of BROTHERS & SISTERS!!

I am so so happy this show made it past its first few episodes! I was worried it wasn't going to last but it has defied all odds and soon become an iconic piece of canonical, classic AMERICAN television.

Oh and speaking of shows I've been dying to return... THE AMAZING RACE is finally coming back at us.

I can't really tell from this link if we should be expecting any hotties this time around but regardless I'll be tuning in every week for some adrenaline pumping reality smack!

So KRISTEN WIIG, has to be one of the best parts of SNL in recent years. And this little teaser she dropped makes me love her even more!!

Pleeeeease let this happen! I'm so TiVo-ing the premiere this Saturday! Hollah!

So I have to post this because growing up queer in the Mormon religion is not easy. Growing up as a queer Mormon in public eye must be gut-wrenching.

Aaahhh... It's OK little ARCHULETA... All in due time..

Not really sure what's going on tonight. I'm just livin' the dream.


Monday, September 8, 2008


You have got to be kidding me. Is everybody in this country out of their god damn minds??

I mean this article scares the piss out of me.

I've said this before, I like OBAMA. And while we'll never know, I find it really hard to imagine HILLARY allowing any of this tom-foolery. She's just to fierce to roll over and take it.

So we were in New York this weekend. We flew VIRGIN AMERICA which I loved cuz their entertainment options and amenities were legion! There was so much to do on that plane that the 6 hour flight just flew on by... Literally... I caught up on a couple movies I'd been wanting to see and I spent the rest of the time watching all of THE HILLS premiere hooplah specials!! I am so living for this season!! I can't wait for it all to throw down!! I caught it right when AUDRINA started confessing to JUSTIN BOBBY that her and LAUREN were drifting apart. I cannot cannot cannot believe that STEPHANIE flat out made a reference to her “drug problem”!! LOLOLOL!!! That news broke when she first started appearing on the show but it’s never been addressed til now!

Oh and SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR was on our flight, a couple rows in front of us, but I'll get to that later...

We took our friend PERRY (who’s director of programming for MTV.COM) out to dinner at KATSUYA on Thursday and he gave us a few leaks about what to expect on the show so needless to say we were super excited to finally catch it all on the flight back!

As we started our approach into LA, I was able to catch the last little bit of the VMA's. I had been been intensely anticipating KANYE's final performance and I have to say I'm not really feelin' his new songs. I defend my boy KANYE to bitches right and left all the time but this new stuff is just kinda basic. I did have the crazy experience of being able to fly pretty close to the PARAMOUNT studio lot as the show was wrapping up and it was kinda surreal cuz I happened to notice this huge explosion of light coming out of HOLLYWOOD. I was worried that something terrible had happened but 30 seconds later KANYE's performance ended on my seat back TV with a huge explosion of white light! Isn't technology amazing?!? 

You know, I was going to go into detail about the whole night but I think my blogging-buddy COURTNEY LOVE did a much better job. LOLOL. I will say that I loved RUSSELL BRAND as the host. I was super-stoked when I had heard that he'd been tapped to host and his genius rant against MCCAIN was welcome indeed! All of that hullabaloo about promise rings was re-donk-ulous. I'm so over THE JONAS BROTHERS and I want to stop hearing about them. CHRISTINA totally ripped off LADY GAGA, but her new song's hot so I forgive her.

Some of my other "twitter" observations included: I fucking hate the JONAS BROTHERS. Give me a break! Blech! LAUREN looked soo cute on the red carpet! Ugh. TOKIO HOTEL. Who cares? Oh but they have funny accents. That’s catchy! I am beside myself seeing BRITNEY and PARIS on the screen together! Amaaazing! They sure are playing a lot of M.I.A. this year. Love that! Ugh I totally could’ve gone without this KID ROCK performance. Yuck. Are people out there still really that into him? 

Before I move on, I do have to mention the elephant in the room. There's been plenty written about how rigged the whole night was and all's I'm gonna say can be wrapped up with this article and this picture. 

Oh and maybe I shouldn't be soo hard on the JONAS BROTHERS. I mean, it was JORDIN SPARKS who stirred up the pot (and rightly so, I still got mad love for her). Anyway, I guess now after learning this it kinda makes me empathize a little more with them knowing they have a sense of humor. I still don't get them or like their music though! And I do still love watching whenever CHELSEA LATELY bashes them!

Speaking of CHELSEA...  Did y'all catch her on THE VIEW last Friday?? Wow, that would be a welcome replacement to ELIZABITCH. She looked much better in that chair than HASSELBECK does anyway.

Did anybody catch ENTOURAGE's return last night? It feels like they were plugging the hell out of it almost as an attempt to make up for what some think was a slump season. For example, here's the view from my office.

That's pretty perfect!

Oh so I'm not sure if I'm going to watch MY NAME IS EARL anymore. I've known for some time that JASON LEE was dabbling in the soul-sucking religion of SCIENTOLOGY but I didn't realize the show's source and fountain of inspiration was also a soul-sucker! I've stuck with this show a good 3 years now and I have to say, I kind of agree with ALEC BALDWIN here. TEAM 30 ROCK all the way!! I'm not sure if JAIME PRESSLEY's presence is enough anymore to keep me with it.

So "they" have finally compiled a list of the 100 gayest albums.

J'amazing! J'mon!!

Oh I just remembered I was supposed to dish about SMG on our flight back from NEW YORK

So I now have A TWITTER PAGE!! I love it!! I can store all my random thoughts and going's on there!! CLICK HERE to check it out!! Start one up too! I'd love to follow y'all too!!

Oh I just remembered I was supposed to dish about SMG on our flight back from NEW YORK but I gotta run!! We have to get downtown to attend the season 1 DVD release party for DIRTY SEXY MONEY!! Our girl CANDIS will be there so it's going to be hot!! Basically she was a cunty bitch and that really is all...

Thursday, September 4, 2008


So I definitely think that now that the ladies are used to being back in the saddle that THE VIEW'S definitely catching its stride once again. Did ya'll catch AUDRINA this morning?!?

The poor dear was shaking in her boots but she's prolly the only HILLS cast member suited to face these women.

So this is exciting!

I can't wait! I totally all caught up in this business when he came to UTAH and lemme tell you, those silly Mormons went bananas! 

So has anybody picked up the recent VOGUE spread all about the overly long awaited forthcoming film AUSTRALIA with one MRS. NICOLE KIDMAN splashed across the cover like a tide of ivory and jade?!?!

The spread is simply gorgeous. Words cannot express how long I've been waiting for this project to come into a reality. There is a reason why BAZ takes 5-7 years to complete a project.

Oh, so I have to take a moment to plug the return of one of the best scripted/non-reality shows of the decade for the new fall season!

I guess technically it's a lot more improv and tangent-bantering then actual scripted material... But the point remains this show's absolute bananas! IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA is gonna be comin' back with a vengeance, ya'll! For real!

Speaking of genius... I gotta wrap this post up with this viral treat, which should serve as conversation fodder for months to come. 

8 shows a week?! Eh-eh!

Tonight we're off to KATSUYA with ANDREW's friend PERRY from MTV.COM. Then it's back to NEW YORK once again for FASHION WEEK!! It's my first NEW YORK FASHION WEEK so I'm obviously beside myself. We'll be attending PAT FIELDS's show so it's going to be off the hook. Smell ya'll later.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Ugh, so I really need to take a break from all the negativity and lies that are being thrown around in the world of politics. Yuck, it's making my head spin. But... I do have to mention this little bit of positivity.


Oh, and one more bit of politics: Have ya'll heard?!? THE MILK TRAILER'S NOW ONLINE!! THE MILK TRAILER'S NOW ONLINE!!


Gorgeous!! Breathtaking!! Umm... OSCAR anyone?!?!?

Speaking of exciting trailers that leaked today... Did we all catch a glimpse of LINDSAY's new movie?!?!


Aaaww... It's so good to see her working again!! And honestly, this joint does have a strong cast. I'm sure it'll get torn apart by the critics but at least she's trying!! Way to go, girl!

So will she or won't she?!? The debate keeps swirling regarding BRIT BRIT's upcoming potential "participation" in the VMA's this weekend.

Please please please I hope so!!! I need another GIMME MORE to get me through the fall!! LOLOL!! We were at HERE lounge the other night and they were playing images of her now infamous opening act from last year's show. Nearly a year later, people still couldn't take their eyes off the roadside disaster that it will forever be! Personally, I always thought it was simply ingenius! 

So I haven't had the chance to properly peace out this recent season of AMERICA'S BEST DANCE CREW, so I just gotta take a moment for that, ya'll!!

What really makes this show for me are the judges and of course the presence of MARIO LOPEZ. ;) Of course, watching the routines go off is sometimes pretty spectacular but I don't know if the whole ball of wax would especially grab my attention if it didn't have the participation of 3 amazing personalities. (I've wanted to have sex with JC CHASEZ since I was like 13, LIL MAMA is  simply the shit and I secretly wanna be her, and I've been obsessed with SHANE SPARKS since I first caught him on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE a few summers back... Anywayz, can't wait for the third season!

And we have all caught at least one episode of what has clearly emerged as one of the best produced new shows of the year?!??!

Seriously I am so freaking impressed, blown away and warmed over by PAM's new show!! The whole thing is just dead on, wholly original, pitch perfect, exactly what it should be. Watching it is like experiencing a warm Malibu breeze wash over you, I can barely even describe it. I've always held a special place for PAM in the corner of my heart and this new endeavor just makes me love her even more!! Apparently it's not getting the best of ratings, so please please please head on over to E! and catch a few ep's. You won't regret it ;)

OH! OH! OH! And did you hear?!? They're already coming back at us with another brand spanking new RW/RW CHALLENGE??!?! 

Ugh, I'm sure to be tuning in, but honestly I can't say I'm too excited about this new cast. A few of my faves are back (DAN, DERRICK, JOHNNY, KENNY, PAULA, ROBIN) but the rest of the crew I am either completely bored with or physically revolted by. Plus, besides the 4 guys mentioned above, the eye candy factor seems severly limited this go around. We've already seen them go through this shizz so many times I really don't think any of us we'll get any smarter by tuning in to this latest reincarnation but... I guess that's the whole idea, isn't it?...

So I hate hate hate the first few days after LABOR DAY. I always dread the fall, the night sets in earlier, the year is almost out. Blah. I am loving, however, LEONA LEWIS's new jam and its accompanying gorgeous video.


She always looks stunning, but this video captures her phenomenally. I've been following this girl for over a year now and I'm loving how much she's finally blowing up across the world. Gorgeous!

A few more things to attend to this week and then it's off to NYC for FASHION WEEK and BRYANT PARK!! At least Fall does have some perks...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


OMFG, you guys!!! So talk about that PALIN lady exploded over the weekend and what has already been an exhausting and an insane race to the WHITE HOUSE has officially tail spun OOC: OUT OF CONTROL!!! 

I mean just check out a glance at the good ol' HUFF POST at any given moment and you're sure to find some new hot mess of a story or another:



Hired Abramoff Lobbyist... Report: McCain Camp Stalling Palin Investigation... 'Fringe' Alaskan Secessionist Party: Palin Was A Member... Almost Recalled As Mayor... Directed Fundraising For Indicted Senator's 527...Troopergate Scandal... 17 Year-Old Daughter Pregnant...

Yaayyyy!!! I love it I love it I love it!!! Political suicide is sooo much fun when it's well deserved!! For up to the minute PALIN hot messiness, head on over to the HUFFPOST'S SARAH PALIN BIG NEWS PAGE to find out more about our nation's best candidate for VP ever!!

So THE VIEW was finally back today and I have to say, after everything that happened this past month, it kinda disappointed. But OMG OMG OMG
Sherri Shepherd is so so so so so stupid!! When are they going to fire her already?!?!

Oh, and just one more piece of politics... It looks like even my girl LINDZ is getting all political and erudite. CLICK HERE to check it out.

Surprisingly erudite!! Well said, LINDZ, well said!

Oh, so
GUY RITCHIE's new movie sounds awesome!!


Yes!! YES YES YESSS!!! So have you all heard that LITTLE BRITAIN is gonna be coming to AMERICA??!

YES YES YESSS!!! Computer says YESSSSS!!!

So tonight should be fun. We're heading to BEIGE for an absolutely yum's dinner followed by an evening hosted by the cast of THE CHO SHOW!!!

I'm out!! Lots to do today!!