Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So I wasn't going to make that big of a deal about all this recent Christian Bale anger-management hullabaloo (I'll leave that to others...) But this brilliant edit-job of one of O'Douchebag's most famous pre-Fox News rants with Bale's recent blow-up was just too funny to ignore.

Is it just me, or is everybody losing their minds these days??..

So I gotta say, Jude Law kinda makes for quite the hot tranny.

Turns out Judey, who is currently filming scenes as Dr. Watson in the Guy Ritchie-directed film Sherlock Holmes, will be featured in a new film directed by Sally Potter titled Rage.  In Rage, Jude plays a drag queen named Minx … and the first look at Jude Law in all his Minx-y glory was leaked all over the interwebs this week.

Director Sally Potter said: "Strangely, the more he became a ‘she’, coiffed and made-up - the more naked was his performance.  There was great strength in his willingness to make himself vulnerable. It was an extraordinarily intense part of the shoot."

I'll be keeping a close eye on the release of this film.  Should be inneresting..

So I'm clicking along with my movie bender this week and last night I finally got to see Doubt, a film I've been long anticipating. 

As expected, the film version of Doubt is infinitely more spellbinding than the Broadway production I saw back in May of 2005.  First of all, this is Meryl's film, as it should be, and she does with it what she will.  And while Amy Adams is dazzling as always and PSH proves a constant, dependable, steady force, I must add that once Viola Davis appears, already having been handed the best part of the script, truly raises what up to that point was simply a taut, well crafted film, to a whole nutha level.  I will say, this is an actor's piece, as it should have been on stage, and while the actors in general do a fine job, the choices sometimes go towards angeror shouting rather than something more interesting.  Overall, this movie definitely needed to be made and does wonders on what I felt was an off-tone theatrical Broadway production. (B+)

I also got around to catching Revolutionary Road earlier this week

This film, in spite the broad critical response, has seemed to suffer lately in the word of mouth department, but that didn't deter me from wanting to see it.  While I don't think we're ultimately rewarded the performance we truly expected from these 2 great actors with this specific piece, we are treated by some fantastic supporting players, especially Kathy Bates (one of her best gig's in years.. Definitely since About Schmidt..) and recently nominated Michael Shannon is absolutely mesmeric as her troubled son.  While the ride is generally a finely crafted one, the final act transforms this piece into something rather otherworldly and all but redeems any of the previous bumps along this road. (B)

This week's proving to be waaayy too work related for my liking.  Blah.  At least I'm gittin' caught up with my movie-watchin'. 

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